Book of the Day

Happy Birthday Rose Hudson Sale!


Rose turns 31 today! Happy Birthday!

She’s decided to put both Divine Conspiracy and Divine Redemption up for sale! They’re both $0.99 for a short while!

If you haven’t read these books, you seriously need to. I basically devoured both as soon as I could get my hands on them. You can read my review for Divine Conspiracy here and my review for Divine Redemption here.

Below you’ll find the blurbs for both books and their buy links. If you click on the pictures, you’ll be taken to their Goodreads pages.

Divine Conspiracy.jpg

Buy it here:

Amazon US Amazon UK


Two hearts lost to their pasts…
Brought together by chance..
Torn apart by Destiny.

I guess I’ll never know if my life is driven by fate or just a series of coincidence. But what I do know is the first time I looked at Erin, I didn’t care which of the two it was that brought her to me. Because being with her is the one right thing I’ve done—until my past proved me wrong and came back for us both.


Buy it here:

Amazon US Amazon UK


I showed Erin the darkest parts of me, and she stayed. We were supposed to start our new life—my Beauty and me. But in one breath, faster than a hairpin trigger… she’s gone.

With unquenchable vengeance, my stepmother brought back a past I thought I’d escaped. She has Erin in her grasp, and the police can’t save her. The FBI can’t save her. Only I can. I’ve never had to fight against the grip of the past because I’ve never had a reason—I’ve never loved. But my love for Erin has given me purpose. The fear of losing her is my reason for redemption.

In this story of a life for a life, how many lives can be saved? How many lives will be lost?


Rose also has a giveaway going on! Just head on over to her Facebook page and share her post about the sale! You’ll be entered in a chance to win a signed copy of Divine Conspiracy! Eeeek! You can bet I’m entering. For sure.



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